You want to ask questions about the specific behaviours that govern great leadership at your workplace (not generic questions to be benchmarked). We help you with tailor-made templates.
You want your leaders to fully understand the results. You don't want your leaders to guess based on a 20 page long PDF, which gets lost in the inbox. We give them a login and an intuitive overview with guidance.
You want all relevant people to be visible so that the analysis will tell you exactly which conversations you need to have with each stakeholder. No more guessing, while still respecting anonymity.
Receiving feedback isn't always comfortable – that's why we decided to integrate empathy into every step of our platform.
Techwise, RealityCheck is a fully equipped, multi-tenant web-based platform generating interactive and insightful data to drive your Learning & Development.
Other suppliers are happy to generate a report – that's just the starting line for us. We support your leaders with an intuitive interface that helps them take immidiate action. With us the 360-feedback becomes the foundation for your leaders development.
Whether you are looking for templates or tailor-made solutions in sync with your company values – we provide you with great questions, based on the latest research in leadership and cognitive science.
We integrate cognitive scientific analysis into our platform. Since leaders need actionable advice, we guide them towards the very foundation of behaviour.
Getting the report is only the beginning of the journey. Being able to make informed decisions isn't easy. 360:s aren't always intuitive, which is why we extend our ambition to create the most empathic follow-up ever.