Become an impact maker with RealityCheck 

RealityCheck 360

90 % of companies fail their strategical goals

Most companies fail to identify what initiatives will successfully develop their employees. They therefore fail to foster the culture needed to reach their strategic goals. By not discussing needed specific behaviours on a daily basis, it becomes unclear for employees what is expected of them and what to expect from their leaders. 

In the midst of this companies call for coaches to help them.

Become your clients most trusted partner

RealityCheck provides you with a tailormade GAP-analysis in order to support your work in bringing your clients up to date with how they are seen and how to better adapt.

By joining our community you become part of a tribe of impact makers that trancends the role of the coach in order to become your clients trusted partner on their journey. We provide you with a business model that allows you long and respectful relations that really make a difference. 

Per-Erik Persson

Managers need specific and relevant feedback. We decided to make it easy for their teams to provide it!

LinkedIn Per-Erik Persson

Per-Erik Persson,
CEO at RealityCheck

A paradigm-shift for coaches

Coaches who aspire to be impact makers understand that their role extends far beyond specific wins and losses. They prioritize the holistic development of their clients.

Through effective communication, empathy, and trust-building, coaches can create a supportive environment where clients feel safe to take risks, learn from failures, and embrace challenges.

Trusted by

Unfolding Success
Motive management
Made You

RealityCheck has supported leaders at

Conrec Infinity
Hero gaming



RealityCheck gives a comprehensive picture. We are also very satisfied with the support we receive through dispatch, compilation and analysis. We now integrate RealityCheck:s into our complete programs, which provides both an analysis and a group dynamic perspective.

We are happy to be a reference for those of you who think it is something you want to try.

Olof Röstin

- Procus


The biggest difference between employee surveys and 360 tools is that 360 tools are more specifically focused on a person, and in the best-cases, offer an action plan and follow-up.

Karin Fahl Hallberg

- Audiodo


I could have made it easy for myself, sweeping all the feedback I received from my first RealityCheck under the rug. However, I am curious to follow my own development and once again hear the team's feedback. Hence, I follow up with a RealityCheck again this year!

Adnan Sorlija

- Conrec Infinity

Empathic leadership support

Why is this important? Well, as a coach, you have a unique position of influence and mentorship. You possess the power to instill values, cultivate character, and inspire greatness in your clients.

By recognizing the potential within each individual, you can guide them towards personal growth, resilience, and success.

Empathic leadership support


Why RealityCheck

Qualitative questions

Qualitative questions

Whether you are looking for templates or tailor-made solutions in sync with your company values – we provide you with great questions, based on the latest research in leadership and cognitive science.

cognitive analysis


We integrate cognitive scientific analysis into our platform. Since leaders need actionable advice, we guide them towards the very foundation of behaviour.

Empathic follow-up


Getting the report is only the beginning of the journey. Being able to make informed decisions isn't easy. 360:s aren't always intuitive, which is why we extend our ambition to create the most empathic follow-up ever.

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+46 (0)70-717 87 18

c/o Minc

Anckargripsgatan 3
211 19 Malmö


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