Turn your managers into grounded leaders

Empathic feedback

Connect your people

Every team face challenges. Challenges they overcome by connecting and having meaningful conversations.

In todays hybrid landscape, it has become increasingly hard to find the time to effectively connect. That’s why we created the RealityCheck Report – a conversation guide based on what the team needs right now.

Special offer for Mobile Heights

  • 1 Report & 1 Individual Coaching
    25 % Discount:

    5,625 SEK

  • Group of 10+ Leaders
    50 % Discount:

    (e.g., 10 Leaders: 37,500 SEK)
Insight page Tablet
Cognitive analysis

Empathic feedback

Our platform provides the most empathic 360-feedback solution on the market.

Our reports allow you to understand who needs what kind of support. You will also get an overview of the possible internal gaps between expectations and displayed behaviours. This will allow you to direct your L&D resources to where they have the largest impact on your bottom line.

Why RealityCheck

Updated truths

Updated truths

RealityCheck enables leaders to base their understanding and actions on up-to-date information.



Making leaders aware of where they need to focus and where they are perceived as exceeding expectations, is a game changer.



RealityCheck lets you know which efforts are needed in order to ensure positive leadership.

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+46 (0)70-717 87 18

c/o Minc

Anckargripsgatan 3
211 19 Malmö


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